APEC economy: Mexico; Jurisdiction: Mexico

Temporary practice ('fly-in, fly-out' practice)

There is no express rule allowing temporary practice by foreign lawyers.

Limited licensing of foreign lawyers (foreign legal consultant rules)

A foreign lawyer cannot obtain a limited licence entitling them to offer advisory services in foreign and international law (i.e. become a foreign legal consultant).

Full licensing

A foreign lawyer can obtain a full licence to practise law in this jurisdiction. The relevant legislation is:

In order to obtain a full licence to practise law in this jurisdiction, foreign lawyers must:

The following links provide the specific requirements:

These requirements are the same as the rules applicable to a local applicant, except that there must be demonstration of authenticity of foreign studies.

Commercial association between lawyers and law firms

In this jurisdiction:

Other regulatory issues

In this jurisdiction:


Category Name Website or other contact details
Organisation(s) that controls licensing of lawyers General Directorate of Professions http://www.sep.gob.mx/wb/sep1/sep1_Direccion_General_de_Profesiones_
Peak professional association representing the legal profession Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados, AC http://www.bma.org.mx/
Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México, AC http://www.incam.org/
Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa, AC http://www.anade.org.mx/