High-level overview
The following table provides a high-level overview of the results of the survey.
In the table:
- 'FIFO'
- means fly-in, fly out
- 'LL' means a limited license
- 'FL' means a full license
- 'CA'
- refers to commercial association
- Note 1: for certain US jurisdictions from which no response was received in relation to the APEC LSI Questionnaire, material regarding the FIFO and LL practice was gleaned from publicly available sources (including LCA Brief "US opportunities for Australian lawyers" [PDF], and is current to 21 August 2007.
- Note 1: for certain US jurisdictions from which no response was received in relation to the APEC LSI Questionnaire, material regarding the FIFO and LL practice was gleaned from publicly available sources (including LCA Brief "US opportunities for Australian lawyers", available online at http://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/shadomx/apps/fms/fmsdownload.cfm?file_uuid=2CD37A6B-1E4F-17FA-D205-F25BFF9FFEC8&siteName=lca) and is current to 21 August 2007.
- Note 2: for non-US jurisdictions from which no response was received in relation to the APEC LSI Questionnaire, we have completed information from publicly available sources, where we have been able to obtain it.
- Note 3: data not included on the request of APEC Member Economy.